ROCKET SIM 中國、澳門、台灣 三地共用 7天 無限數據電話卡


🛫預計出發日 (只供參考)※請填寫旅遊時間,以便為您及時寄送。
🏢🚚 住宅/辦公室送貨僅 $19


● 數據漫遊 SIM,高速數據流量
● 有效期連續 7天
● 每日 500MB 數據後降速至 128kbps.
● 免登記、免設定,只需打開數據漫遊便可以使用

● 可分享數據使用
● 此卡使用不足1天亦當1天計算,截數時間為香港時間每晚23:59
● 大部分手機皆會自動設定 APN,如沒有自動跳轉 APN,請手動設定: 3gnet


· 此卡(適用於大中華地區,包括中國內地、台灣及澳門)一經啟用,7日流動數據服務用量即時生效,而$68儲值額將隨即被扣除。當手機開啟「數據漫遊」功能後,即可使用漫遊數據•激活後享每日500MB漫遊數據,數據用量達上限後,數據服務將會被調整至不高於128Kbps,你仍可繼續享用漫遊數據。數據用量達上限後,數據服務不適用於點對點(P2P)功能(包括Bit-Torrent)。此卡只提供4G/5G流動數據服務、並不包括其他增值服務。支援數據共享至其他裝置。數據服務體驗或會受不同因素影響包括網絡流量狀態、周遭環境、硬件、軟件及/或其他因素。如客戶身處4G/5G覆蓋以外地區,數據服務會透過3G/2G EDGE網絡提供。本儲值卡因過期而無效或因任何原因被終止服務,未用之數據用量將不予退還或轉讓。

Terms and Conditions:

· 7day mobile data service “Applicable to Greater China, including Mainland China, Taiwan and Macau” will be effective upon SIM activation, $68 stored value will be deducted accordingly. Enable "data roaming" on your mobile device to start using roaming data . 500MB roaming usage is granted upon SIM activation, when data usage reaches the limit, data speeds service will be capped at 128Kbps, allowing you to continue using data roaming. Data services are not applicable for peer-to-peer (P2P) applications including Bit-Torrent . Only 4G/5G mobile data, but not other value added services. Tethering is supported. Actual data transmission speed may vary due to many factors, including but not limited to: network traffic conditions, handset models, handset settings (both hardware and software), uploaded/downloaded content and other external factors, etc. When customers goes outside coverage of 4G/5G network, data services can be provided on 3G/2G EDGE networks. Where this Prepaid SIM Card is expired, or where service has been terminated due to whatever reasons, the remaining data usage shall be non-refundable and non-transferable.